czwartek, stycznia 17, 2008


For me Beirut is Ilka itself. It makes everybody feel the atmosphere of this flat.

I sit with one of my eternal papers trying to focus on writing while through my mind the chaos of Beirut’s words is emerging. Inside me somebody is singing “it makes the day to go this way……”. Adam is still walking through 15 meters long corridor with his heavy steps that make whole floor shaking; Orsi is singing under her nose traditional Transylvanian melodies mixed with the recent hits of Madonna; Csabko is sitting just behind me and rolling from laugh for only to him known reasons; Zsuzsi, exhausted as always, put her things from one edge of her small room to another; Andras is hiding somewhere.

The lack of Jessi is significant…

That’s why Jes asked me to write it down (in English) just after I told her, what I associate Beirut with.

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